According to an article on  “Voters in Virginia yesterday largely rejected Republican calls for tougher state immigration laws as the Democrats won the State Senate by focusing on bread and butter issues such as managing residential growth and infrastructure funding.”

Another illustration of how immigration is a losing political issue.  When will they learn?  I think a clever tactic for democrats would be to avoid discussing the issue or voice a moderate stance.  The angry GOP candidates will self-destruct with their anti-immigrant rhetoric as they listen to the loud minority who oppose immigration.

BTW those organizations that loudly oppose illegal immigration such as NumbersUSA and FAIR also oppose and seek to limit legal immigration.  It’s just easier to get people on board to listen to them by starting with the undocumented.

The USCIS should be releasing its weekly Application and Receipting Update today.  It will be posted as it becomes available.

Author: Bradley Maged

I'm Brad Maged, an immigration lawyer in Boston, Massachusetts. I help people who want to live and work in the United States and companies that wish to employ them. This blog provides opinion and information on developments in immigration law. Thanks for reading!

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