A little over a year ago I decided to start this blog for a couple of reasons.  First, Lou Dobbs was never reading my e-mails on the air and second, I felt I had a great deal to say about the subject and wanted to put information out there that was pro-immigrant to counter what was, and continues to be, what I view as an anti-immigrant sentiment in America.  the Blog took about twenty minutes to set everything up and before I knew it, I was a blogger, writing about U.S. immigration laws and policies. 

The readership for has ranged from a couple of dozen unique visitors daily when I first started to what I believe was over 8000 unique visitors the day of the July 2007 Visa Bulletin scandal when I took the day off to blog with minute-by-minute breaking news!  Currently, there are about 1000 unique daily visitors to this site, which although the site won’t be “going public” aytime soon, is still amazing.

In a couple of months, this blog will merge with what will be our firm’s new and vastly improved website.  The firm’s web address will be changed to, our current URL, will become a Client Portal.  Most of the previously written content from this blog will be archived and new entries will be posted on the newly designed blog/firm site.  The site and blog will still be advertisement-free but readers will be easily able to read about our firm and the immigration legal services we provide.

I will provide regular updates on when the new website will launch and will look forward to any comments and suggestions on the new site. 

I sincerely thank those of you who regularly read or subscribe to this blog.  It is an outlet for my great interest in the subject of immigration and saves my friends and family from being subjected to my daily immigration updates and opinions on those updates…not great for cocktail conversation.

Author: Bradley Maged

I'm Brad Maged, an immigration lawyer in Boston, Massachusetts. I help people who want to live and work in the United States and companies that wish to employ them. This blog provides opinion and information on developments in immigration law. Thanks for reading!

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