Every seven year old should have grasped the concept that carrots and sticks, doing things in moderation, and a “reasonableness” standard are all key when seeking solutions to problems.  A one-sided approach to issues such as immigration will often backfire.  A great opinion piece that appeared on, makes the point.

Mandating that police who have “reasonable suspicion” of someone’s immigration status demand to see documents will encourage racial profiling and lead to lawsuits by both those who may have been wrongfully victimized or arrested.  This, in addition to the training that will be required for all police to understand the complex immigration laws and acceptable documentation to prove one’s status will prove costly for the state.  Moreover, those police forces that take the common-sense approach and refuse to follow such a mandate as it interferes with generally accepted good policing practices, will be open to lawsuits under this proposed law.  Community policing has gained favor around the world as police understand that there jobs are made much easier and they are much more effective when officers have gained the trust and cooperation of those they protect.  An “us versus them” mentality leads to crimes going unreported for fear of victims being questioned or arrested regarding their invalid or nonexistent immigration documentation.

When dealing with the immigration issue, we need a federal overhaul of the existing system that is both logical and fair and is not just used as a political tool.  Not only is CIR necessary and in the best interest of America, it is also a political loser, regardless of one’s position.  Just as President Obama and the Democrats used whatever tools were at their dosposal to pass Health Care Reform, a similar approach must be taken to get anywhere with immigration.

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Author: Bradley Maged

I'm Brad Maged, an immigration lawyer in Boston, Massachusetts. I help people who want to live and work in the United States and companies that wish to employ them. This blog provides opinion and information on developments in immigration law. Thanks for reading!

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