According to an article on washingtonpost.com:  “The Justice Department sued Joe Arpaio, sheriff of Arizona’s Maricopa County, on Thursday, saying his office has repeatedly declined to hand over documents to federal investigators examining whether his aggressive tactics against illegal immigrants have violated their civil rights.”

It is about time that this man be held accountable for his actions.  Not only does he allegedly violate the civil rights of individuals his office detains, as the original justice department lawsuit accuses him of doing, but he frequently appears on any cable network that will have him and antagonizes the federal government.

Most people understand that once a lawsuit has been filed, parties have the right to demand that certain information be provided and documents be produced.  This is the law.  For a man who spends so much time boasting about how he upholds the rule of law by detaining undocumented aliens, it is surprising that he refuses to comply with the basic discovery requirements of the lawsuit that has been filed against him and his department.

How the lawsuits against Brewer and Arpaio will turn out is unknown.  However, I would guess that most attorneys would dream as having these two as opposing party witnesses.  It is unclear whether either Brewer or Arpaio will actually testify in these cases.

Brewer had trouble remembering her opening statement in a recent debate and was unable to answer reporters’ simple follow-up question that followed.  Being so evasive would not be easy under cross-examination.  Arpaio frequently appears on television and challenges the federal government to follow through on its threats of a lawsuit.  When the government follows through Arpaio allegedly refuses to comply with discovery forcing another lawsuit to compel cooperation.  All of this nonsense is costing Arizona taxpayers a small fortune in legal fees as well as lost revenue from organized boycotts as well as from those who simply choose to spend their vacation dollars elsewhere.

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Author: Bradley Maged

I'm Brad Maged, an immigration lawyer in Boston, Massachusetts. I help people who want to live and work in the United States and companies that wish to employ them. This blog provides opinion and information on developments in immigration law. Thanks for reading!

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